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The major goal for the District’s English Learners is to develop fluency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible and achieve academic success by meeting state content and performance standards. In order to meet this goal, the district provides a continuum of programs for the English Learner. English Learners who are reclassified as Fluent English Proficient have met district criteria established to ensure that they have overcome language barriers, have recouped any academic deficits incurred in other areas of the curriculum, and can demonstrate English-language proficiency comparable to that of the district’s average native English-language speakers.
The purpose of the Master Plan is to provide clear direction to district staff regarding programs and accountability for English Learners. A common understanding of our goals and procedures helps to ensure that our English Learners receive consistently implemented services designed to meet their linguistic and academic needs.
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) will review and comment on the Master Plan annually.
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