Bus services are provided by West County Transportation Agency Below is their statement for reopening.
Social Distancing and Face Coverings
Practicing physical distancing on school buses would require a significant reduction in seating capacity. The reduction in capacity would severely impact a majority of families that rely on the school buses to transport them to and from schools. Using the Sonoma County, “Roadmap To A Safe Reopening” guidelines, and ensure students have equal access to educational support services, physical distancing will be encouraged, but not required on the school bus.
State COVID-19 Industry Guidance: School and School Based Programs issued by the California Department of Public Health states:
Students should be encouraged to use cloth face coverings. Cloth face coverings are most essential in settings where physical distancing cannot easily be maintained, such as school buses or other settings where space may be insufficient.
Unless specifically exempt per CDPH guidelines all staff and students will be required to wear a face-covering while on the school bus. Families electing to utilize school bus transportation should be aware that their child may be seated within 6 feet of another person.