While Roseland Public Schools makes concerted efforts to include accurate, up-to-date, quality information on its website, Roseland Public Schools makes no guarantees or representations as to its accuracy. Roseland Public Schools assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the website.
The user understands that he/she is using the Roseland Public Schools website voluntarily. The use of the Roseland Public Schools website constitutes acknowledgment and understanding by the user that within the Roseland Public Schools website there may be links to other websites that are operated by parties or individuals that are not affiliated with Roseland Public Schools. Some of these linked sites may also have links to other sites. Roseland Public Schools has no responsibility or authority over a third-party's website or link. Roseland Public Schools makes no representation, at all, whatsoever, for the content that may be contained in those links and websites nor to the accuracy or quality thereof. Furthermore, use of the Roseland Public Schools website constitutes the user's understanding and acceptance of this notice and releases Roseland Public Schools from any and all liability for the content of those websites that are not within the control of Roseland Public Schools.
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